Other Web Comics

I want to share a few strips on the web that are every bit as good as mine.  Most are every bit as good as some of the syndicated strips you read every day in your newspaper!!!  Try all of these out and support the efforts of some hard working, creative cartoonists who are dreaming of the same success in this awesome industry!

Strips are listed in Alphabetical Order...


Calamites of Nature by Tony Piro
Calamities of Nature is a comic that focuses on topics of social commentary, religion, science, philosphy, and lots of bacon.


Finley by G.M. Smith
Finley is a cartoon I am working on. He is a field mouse that loses his job in Marsh Field. He moves to Big City to find his 426 brothers and sisters. 

Fort Knox by Paul Jon
Fort Knox recounts cartoonist Paul Jon's experiences as a military brat and reports on the parade of whimsical characters Paul Jon met during his father's various tours of duty -- including one at Fort Knox, Ky.


Hoxwinder Hall by Daniel Boris
A strip about two brothers, an unlikely pet alligator named Dozi...and the law of unintended consequences.



Just Say Cheese by David Jones
Two boys live out some wild adventures in a backwoods, country town called Okrapolis with a cast of insane characters like Floyd the Dragon, pro wrestler El Hijo Loco, and rock band the Okra Pods.


Legend of Bill by David Reddick
Legend of Bill is about wannabe barbarian Bill and his best pal Frank the blue dragon, who, unsatisfied with their mundane lives as file clerk interns in the local castle accounting department, decide to set off for adventure in the free-as-a-bird life of a roaming barbarian and his dragon.


Off The Mark by Mark Parisi
This daily cartoon appears in newspapers, on products and inside a few bathroom stalls. http://www.facebook.com/offthemarkcomic


Pinkerton Park by Mike Witmer
A funny tale about four furry animals sitting around a bar in the middle of the woods getting drunk.


Travis' Doodle Page by Travis Jones
Up-and-coming cartoonist of the future and son of cartoonist David Jones has a unique Facebook page that is fresh and fun!  Become a fan and help encourage this budding, young artist!


Van Gogh by Rocky Sawyer
Van Gogh is a parrot that is doomed to spend his life in a pet store, for every time he gets sold he gets returned! 