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© 2009 Dave Jones and the Okra Pods
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
Looks like her face was hit by a frying pan.
And when its time to visit
I make up other plans.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
Well her scowl has been known to up and blind ya.
When she's coming people will just up and run.
She looks old enough to pull funds from a retirement trust.
But actually she just turned Forty One!
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
In over forty countries the sight of her mug's been banned.
And when its time to visit
I make up other plans.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
I'm looking through old photos this morning.
See a girl who looks like my hon-ey.
My wife says that's here mama when she was a young 'un.
Lord, now I know what lies ahead for me!
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
Her face looks like the surface where a lunar module might land.
And when its time to visit
I make up other plans.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
Looks like her face got stuck in a ceiling fan.
And when its time to visit
I make up other plans.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
My mother-in-law looks like a man.
Some say she looks like Uncle Sam....
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